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Useful Macedonian Phrases

Essential Expressions for Travellers

Learning a few useful Macedonian phrases can greatly enhance your experience when visiting Macedonia. These expressions will help you navigate daily interactions and show respect for the local culture. By mastering some basic Macedonian phrases, you can connect with locals and make your trip more enjoyable.

Macedonian is the official language of Macedonia and belongs to the South Slavic language family. It uses the Cyrillic alphabet, which might seem daunting at first, but don’t worry. Many Macedonians appreciate tourists who make an effort to speak their language, even if it’s just a few simple words.

Whether you’re ordering food, asking for directions, or greeting someone, knowing some common Macedonian phrases will prove invaluable. These expressions will not only help you communicate more effectively but also demonstrate your interest in Macedonian culture and customs.

Basics of Macedonian Greetings

Macedonian greetings are an essential part of the culture and social interactions. Learning these basic phrases will help you connect with locals and show respect for their customs.

General Greetings

The most common greeting in Macedonian is “Здраво” (Zdravo), which means “Hello” or “Hi“.

You can use this in both formal and informal situations. For a more formal greeting, especially during the day, say “Добар ден” (Dobar den), which means “Good day“.

Time-specific greetings include:

  • Добро утро” (Dobro utro) – Good morning
  • Добра вечер” (Dobra vecher) – Good evening

When saying goodbye, use “Чао” (Chao) for informal situations or “До видување” (Do viduvanje) for a more formal farewell.

To ask “How are you?“, say “Како си?” (Kako si?) in informal settings or “Како сте?” (Kako ste?) in formal situations.

Introducing Oneself

When meeting someone new, it’s polite to introduce yourself. Here are some useful phrases:

  • “Јас сум…” (Jas sum…) – I am…
  • “Како се викате?” (Kako se vikate?) – What’s your name? (formal)
  • “Како се викаш?” (Kako se vikash?) – What’s your name? (informal)
  • “Од каде сте?” (Od kade ste?) – Where are you from? (formal)
  • “Од каде си?” (Od kade si?) – Where are you from? (informal)
When addressing someone formally, use “Господин” (Gospodin) for Mr and “Госпоѓа” (Gospogja) for Mrs/Miss.

Common Courtesy

Politeness is highly valued in Macedonian culture. Here are some essential phrases to show respect:

  • “Ве молам” (Ve molam) – Please (formal)
  • “Те молам” (Te molam) – Please (informal)
  • “Благодарам” (Blagodaram) – Thank you
  • “Повелете” (Povelete) – You’re welcome
If you need to apologise, say “Извинете” (Izvinete) for “Sorry” or “Excuse me“.

Other useful phrases include:

  • “Да” (Da) – Yes
  • “Не” (Ne) – No
  • “Не знам” (Ne znam) – I don’t know
  • “Во ред” (Vo red) – OK

Learning these basic phrases will help you navigate social situations and show respect for Macedonian culture.

Essential Macedonian Phrases

Learning a few key Macedonian phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience in Macedonia. These expressions will help you navigate common situations, from seeking assistance to ordering food and making purchases.

Asking for Help

When you need assistance in Macedonia, knowing how to ask for help is crucial.

  • The phrase “Can you help me?” is “Можете ли да ми помогнете?” (Mozhete li da mi pomognete?).
  • For emergencies, say “Помош!” (Pomosh!) which means “Help!”.
  • If you need medical attention, ask for “a doctor” by saying “доктор” (doktor).
  • To call the police, use “полиција” (policija).
Remember to say “Thank you” after receiving help. In Macedonian, it’s “Благодарам” (Blagodaram).

Directions and Places

Navigating Macedonia becomes easier with basic direction phrases.

Where is…?” translates to “Каде е…?” (Kade e…?).

To ask for the toilet, say “Каде е тоалетот?” (Kade e toaletot?).

Here are some useful direction words:

  • Here – Тука (Tuka)
  • There – Таму (Tamu)
  • Go straight – Оди право (Odi pravo)
  • Left – Лево (Levo)
  • Right- Десно ( Desno)
  • Up – Горе (Gore)
  • Down – Долу (Dolu)

When asking for specific locations, use “Каде е тоа?” (Kade e toa?) meaning “Where is that?“.

Dining and Shopping

When dining out or shopping in Macedonia, these phrases will come in handy.

To pay for your meal or purchases, say “Да платам” (Da platam), meaning “I’d like to pay“.

In restaurants, you might hear “Пријатно” (Prijatno), which means “Enjoy your meal“. Respond with “Благодарам” (Blagodaram).

When shopping, ask “Колку чини?” (Kolku chini?) to inquire about the price.

For a celebratory toast, use “Наздравје” (Nazdravje), which means “Cheers” or “Good luck“.

Communicating in more Complex Situations

As you become more comfortable with Macedonian, you’ll want to handle trickier situations. These phrases will help you ask for language help and deal with emergencies.

Language Assistance

When you need extra language support, try these phrases:

“Дали зборувате англиски?” (Dali zboruvate angliski?) – Do you speak English?

“Можете ли да ми помогнете?” (Mozhete li da mi pomognete?) – Can you help me?

“Не разбирам.” (Ne razbiram.) – I don’t understand.

“Повторете, ве молам.” (Povtorete, ve molam.) – Please repeat.

These phrases are key for getting help when you’re stuck. Don’t be shy to use them. Most Macedonians are happy to assist.

If you’re keen to learn more, try saying:

Сакам да научам македонски.” (Sakam da naucham makedonski.) – I want to learn Macedonian.

Emergencies and Special Requests

In urgent situations, knowing the right words can be crucial:

“Помош!” (Pomosh!) – Help!

“Повикајте полиција!” (Povikajte politsija!) – Call the police!

” Ми Треба доктор.” ( Mi Treba doktor.) – I need a doctor.

“Имам алергија.” (Imam alergija.) – I have an allergy.

“Каде е најблиската болница?” (Kade e najblikata bolnitsa?) – Where is the nearest hospital?

Keep these phrases handy. They could be vital in an emergency.

It’s also useful to know how to express love or strong feelings:

“Те сакам.” (Te sakam.) – I love you.

Numbers and Basic Transactions

Learning numbers and basic transaction phrases in Macedonian will help you navigate shops and markets with ease. These essential skills allow you to make purchases and understand prices confidently.

Counting in Macedonian

Here are the numbers 1-10 in Macedonian:

  1. Eden (еден)
  2. Dva (два)
  3. Tri (три)
  4. Četiri (четири)
  5. Pet (пет)
  6. Šest (шест)
  7. Sedum (седум)
  8. Osum (осум)
  9. Devet (девет)
  10. Deset (десет)

Practice these numbers to build a strong foundation. Larger numbers follow a similar pattern to English. For example, 11 is “edinaeset” and 20 is “dvaeset”.

Making Purchases

When shopping in Macedonia, you’ll need some key phrases:

  • Kolku čini ova?” (Колку чини ова?) – How much is this?
  • Kolku čini?” – How much?
  • Premnogu e skapo” – It’s too expensive
  • Vo red” – Okay

To pay, you can say “Sakam da platam” (I want to pay).

If you need change, ask “Imate li kusur?” (Do you have change?).

Remember to use “Ve molam” (please) and “Blagodaram” (thank you) to be polite during transactions.

Cultural Insights

Macedonian customs and traditions are deeply rooted in the country’s rich history. Knowing a few key phrases can help you navigate social situations and show respect for local culture.

Greeting Customs

In Macedonia, greetings are important for making a good impression.

When meeting someone, say “Здраво” (Zdravo) for “Hello“.

It’s polite to shake hands and make eye contact.

Older people or those in authority may be greeted with “Добар ден” (Dobar den) for “Good day“.

Kisses on the cheek are common between friends and family. Men often pat each other on the back.

When leaving, say “Довидување” (Doviduvanje) for “Goodbye” or “Пријатно” (Prijatno) for “Have a nice day“.

Special Occasions

For birthdays, say “Среќен роденден” (Sreken rodenden). At Christmas, greet others with “Среќен Божиќ” (Sreken Bozhik). New Year’s wishes are “Среќна Нова Година” (Srekna Nova Godina).


To congratulate someone, use “Честитки” (Chestitki).

For weddings, say “Да живеете долго и среќно” (Da zhiveete dolgo i srekno), meaning “May you live long and happily“.

During meals, it’s polite to say “Пријатно јадење” (Prijatno jadenje) for “Enjoy your meal“.

To express love, use “Те сакам” (Te sakam).

Advancing Your Macedonian

Learning Macedonian goes beyond basic phrases. You can deepen your language skills and cultural understanding through local dialects and various learning resources.

Understanding Local Dialects

Macedonian has several regional dialects. The western dialect is spoken in cities like Ohrid and Bitola. The eastern dialect is common in Strumica and Štip. Central Macedonian, spoken in Skopje, Veles, Bitola and Ohrid is the basis for standard Macedonian.

Listen to local radio or TV to hear different accents. Try chatting with people from various regions. This will help you grasp the subtle differences in pronunciation and vocabulary.


Pay attention to unique words or expressions in each area. For example, in some parts of western Macedonia, you might hear “shto praish?” instead of “shto pravish?” for “what are you doing?”

Learning Resources

Many tools can help you improve your Macedonian. Language apps like Duolingo offer basic lessons.

For more in-depth study, try textbooks like “Macedonian: A Course for Beginning and Intermediate Students.

You can also find tutors for one-on-one lessons.

Watch Macedonian films with subtitles to improve your listening skills.

Read Macedonian news websites to build vocabulary.

Books in Macedonian language

Join language exchange groups to practise speaking with native Macedonians.


Don’t forget about cultural resources. Learning about Macedonian history and customs will give context to the language and help you use it more naturally.

Start Planning Your Macedonia Trip Now!

  • Unsure where to stay in Skopje or Ohrid? Discover top-rated Skopje and Ohrid hotels with Booking.com. Reserve now, pay later, and enjoy free cancellations.
  • Book your airport transfer now and enjoy a hassle-free ride directly to your hotel. Drivers will meet you at Arrivals.
  • Discover the Beauty of Vodno and Matka Canyon! Book your Vodno and Matka Canyon guided tour today and explore Skopje’s breathtaking natural wonders
  • Looking for ideas? Check out our Macedonia Itineraries Where To Go, plus Things To Do guide for must-see attractions.

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